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Ars Technica Wi-Fi Access Point Placement

Originally Posted: April 14th, 2020

ArsTechnica Wi-Fi Access Placement

I love Jim Salter

Jim Salter is a technology reporter for ArsTechnica. He has written a ton of useful articles on Wi-Fi and networking, and I highly encourage you to check out his work. I refer people to this specific article so often, I figured I should add a link to it as a post. The full article is definitely worth a read, but here are his 10 rules:

  • Rule 1: No more than two rooms and two walls

  • Rule 2: Too much transmit power is a bug

  • Rule 3: Use spectrum wisely

  • Rule 4: Central placement is best

  • Rule 5: Above head height, please

  • Rule 6: Cut distances in halves

  • Rule 7: Route around obstacles

  • Rule 8: It's all about the backhaul

  • Rule 9: It's (usually) not about throughput, it's about latency

  • Rule 10: Your Wi-Fi network is only as fast as its slowest connected device

These are 10 excellent things to keep in mind when planning a Wi-Fi deployment. Read the full article for all the details.